Project: A localization project with Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. 

Team Member: Chaoyue Jiang, Peng Xu, Meimei Wu, Yuhan Song

Translation technology is the basic skill for every translator and localizer. As a localizer, learning translation technology is not only about getting command of the technology but also realizing the steps involved and the details that need our attention. In November, Chaoyue Jiang, Peng Xu, Meimei Wu, and I formed a small localization team and kicked off a localization project simulation. Appling translation technology to real instances deepens our understanding of it. This article is going to share the process of our project of localizing the Wikipedia page of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever into Chinese using Trados, AntConc, and some other software, as well as the lessons learned through the process.

Project Proposal

In November, we drafted our statement of work. It includes the basic information about our projects: localization team information, client information, timeline, translation quote, and deliverables. We improved the visuals and changed some expressions after meeting with our client—a representative of Marvel Studio.


In December, our teams submitted six deliverables that were projected in the proposal on time. It includes a source document, a target document, a style guide, a translation memory, a termbase, and a pseudo-translation file. 

Click the link below to download the deliverables.


I learned a lot through the simulation process. Here are some reflections on the project.

  1. Ensure that the formatting of the source document is editable.   ​
  2. Create the style guide prior to the start of the translation and deliver it to all the translators. ​
  3. Ask for TM and TB or any previous related translations from clients.

Please check the video below to see the lessons leanred in each process.

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